Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sitting in Kentucky

Gotta love wireless internet-allows me to update while I'm working in Kentucky! I feel like I've neglected my little blog lately, but there's really not much to update about in regards to Uganda. I have an appointment with the Vanderbilt Travel Clinic on Monday to get some shots. Yuck :( Other than that, I'm just getting more and more excited as Jan 19th gets closer. I've kinda started packing, but its mostly just a list in my head with some things in a bag.

It's going to be a busy, busy several weeks before I leave because my parents are moving here! YAY!! It will be so great to have them much closer instead of 1,400 miles away. Did I mention that I have the best family in the world? I love them and am so thankful for parents that support and encourage me; that send me half way around the world with their blessing and prayers. My siblings are the same. I'm a blessed girl! So between a busy work schedule, a trip to El Paso for the last time, helping my parents unpack, and Christmas-I'll be leaving before I know it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jinja or Bust!

It's really happening! I FINALLY booked my ticket this morning!!!. After much stress and deliberation-it is finished. January 19-March 24. A little shorter than originally planned, but that's ok. I can't believe its getting so close!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God Crazy

I'm reading a book titled God Crazy. It focuses on joyful surrender-something that does not come so easily to me. And as I sit here to write this, I'm beginning to connect some dots in what the Lord is trying to teach me. Galations 6:9 says "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we ill reap if we do not grow weary." This was a verse from my Beth Moore study this week. Then I came across this quote from John Owen, "See in the meantime that your faith brings forth obedience, and God in due time will cause it to bring forth peace." What gets me is due time. What does that mean anyway? There's no ending in due time. There's nothing tangible about that. There's no answer to how long due time is. Frustrating, right? Well, it is to me. I like to plan. I like to know the answers. I like to know what the next step is. I don't like surprises. I don't like not knowing. Let's face it. I like to be in control.

So what does joyful surrender look like? What will it look like in my life? At this point, I'm not too sure. I just know it's where God is taking me. It will be a daily struggle. Something I'm not going to like. Something that is going to be hard.  But I have a feeling that reaping a harvest of surrender will produce so much more than what I could produce through my own limited capabilities. His ways are not my ways nor are His thoughs my thoughts. I have a feeling this is going to be an adventure.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Timing of it All

As I sit back and think about how this trip is coming together, I know without a doubt that this is where I'm supposed to be going. My heart and my passion has always been for children-even when I was a little girl. I think I was in middle school when I started telling people that I wanted to work in adoptions. I'm pretty sure I didn't really even know what that meant-just that it was a way to bring families together and I wanted to be part of that!! As I began to learn and grow in my faith, James 1:27 was burned into my heart. It says, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (New Living Translation) God cares about the orphan. He sees them and he knows them. It is my responsibility to do something-to be a part of His plan for their lives.

So I went to school, did what I never thought I'd do and went back to school, and got a job. All the while I was praying, seeking, and asking God to use me-to make an opportunity available. I'll be honest-I have been antsy for the past year or so. I was ready and wanted to do something now!! But, He asked me to wait. In that time, He has prepared me. He has used my work with birthparents to teach me and humble me. When I first started working in adoptions, I did not give birthfamilies the honor and credit they are due. The women and families I have worked with are some of the most courageous, loving, and selfless people I have met. I now know, God wanted me to learn this before He released me to go. Finally, over the summer, I began to feel that now was the time. I looked and researched and prayed and looked some more. I kept coming back to one place-Amani Baby Cottage. Some of it was due to my Type A personality and the rest because I believe that's where the Lord wants me. Their website outlined the expectations of their volunteers and answered many of my questions-so I applied and four weeks later was invited to come and serve with them!!

My next big task was asking for the time off of work. I am blessed beyond words to work for an organization that, without question, is allowing me a three month leave of absence. I get to go to Uganda and come home three months later to the job that I love! How amazing is that?!? So now, I know where I'm going, I know when I'm going, I have permission to go. My heart wants to be there already-I just need a plane ticket!!! I hope to have that done this week. Getting so close!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Beginning

I can honestly say I never thought I'd be one to start a blog. I do my fair share of blog stalking and enjoy reading what is on other people's minds, hearing their perspective, looking at pictures, you know-all that fun stuff that's out there. But me? Posting my thoughts for all to read? Who would have thought? Well, here I am embarking on an adventure and putting it out there in bloggyland. My hope is to use this to document my preparations and journey to Jinja, Uganda to serve in an orphanage there. The Lord has called me and I'm going. I could not be more excited!! A little scared? YES! But mostly humbled and amazed that He would choose me to go. So, thank you for stopping by. Thank you in advance for your support and prayers. I look forward to sharing my journey with you.